deal is from the Tollemache final, West was Nicholas
Greer and East Phillip Taylor.
the auction above, with North's three heart bid
alerted as fourth suit, Nicholas led a small spade.
played the eight and Phil did well to duck.
Declarer now ran the nine of clubs and played a club
to the queen, Nicholas discarded a spade.
the jack of spades went to the ace and Phil returned
the nine of diamonds to the ten, jack and five.
could now only play diamonds without giving an entry
to the dummy, the queen went to declarer's
king. Declarer now played ace and another
heart, won by Nicholas, who exited with the eight of
diamonds to declarer's ace. Now declarer
cashed the ace of clubs, Nicholas throwing a spade
while Phil neatly unblocked the king of clubs.
The last club was cashed with Nicholas throwing his
heart. Declarer was now down to 74 in diamonds
while Nicholas had 62.
who had lost track of the diamond pips, tried to
claim one down, but Nicholas had to concede one
trick. A fine, but ultimately unsuccessful,
Thanks to Nicholas Greer for reporting this deal |