deal is from a Gerard Faulkner (Seniors KO) match.
led the ace of hearts and continued with the queen
of hearts. John Holland as declarer won the
king of hearts, discarding a club and ruffed a heart
while East discarded the eight of diamonds (reverse
count). John surmised that the diamonds were
probably split 2-5. He now cashed the ace of
clubs (with the blocked club position it does not
help West to unblock the club king. He now
exited with a club and West played ace and another
diamond. John now knew that East has the club
queen and therefore probably not the spade king
given his initial pass. So John played a spade
to the ace. West tried to avoid the upcoming
endplay by unblocking the spade king. But to
no avail, he was just trading a spade trick for a
club trick.
Thanks to John Holland for reporting this deal |