is another slam hand from the Llandudno Swiss Pairs.
was the auction at our table, the rebid of two
notrump showed 18-19 points, East's three spades
showed five plus spades and his raise to four
notrump was quantitative. West with his
maximum and five good diamonds bid six
diamonds. Although a reasonable contract, the
five-one diamond break and king of hearts offside
scuppered this.
best contract looks to be six notrump by East.
But to make it it has to be played carefully.
On a spade lead for example, East must play a club
to the queen at trick two, then the ace and jack of
spades. North returns a club say, then East
must cash the clubs and the ace of hearts to squeeze
North out of the fifth diamond or his spade
guard. If East mistakenly plays a diamond to
the jack at trick two North can return a diamond
when in with the queen of spades, this breaks up the
squeeze. An initial diamond lead will beat six
notrump as North can then play a second diamond to
break up the squeeze. Six of twenty pairs
played six notrump, two tried six diamonds, no-one
was successful.