another slam hand from the Llandudno Swiss Pairs.
having a difficult hand type for a strong notrump
system, elected to open one notrump. West's
two spades showed clubs, two notrump denied a club
fit. Now three spades showed shortage, East
with a good spade stop bid the obvious three
notrump. When West continued with four clubs,
a slam try, East decided to cooperate with decent
controls and the jack of clubs and bid four diamonds
to show a diamond control. West's five notrump
was pick a slam and East duly tried six notrump to
protect his major suit tenaces. On the queen
of diamonds lead East was able to run six rounds of
clubs. When North threw a couple of hearts and
the king of hearts dropped the ten East could safely
play on hearts to make twelve tricks.
this a good slam? In theory probably not, but
in practice it is likely to make. The defence
may well give a trick on the opening lead and it
will be difficult for them on the run of the
clubs. Everyone else played in three notrump
so making slam was a complete top.