28th August 2024

This deal is from an EBU online duplicate
 Dealer N
S AKQJ10652
 E-W Vul
H 75
    D Q8
    C A


Pass 1D
2H 2S 3H Pass
Pass ?

You pick up this strong hand, partner opens one diamond and the next hand makes a weak jump overcall of two hearts.  You bid the obvious two spades and North raises in hearts.  Partner has nothing to contribute at this point what do you bid next?

Scroll down for solution.

A jump to five spades should now ask partner to bid six with a heart control (and some spade support if his heart control is a singleton or void), this takes some optimism that partner's minor suit holding will take care of your diamond losers.  Partner is on the same wavelength and dutifully raises to six with the following minimum hand.

94, Q, AK973, Q10943.

There is nothing to the play, bidding and making six spades is a complete top.