6th November 2024

This deal is from a Hubert Phillips match
 Dealer S
S J65
 Game All
H 86
    D A843
    C AK32

1S Pass
2C 1D
2H Pass
2S Pass
5D Pass 5S Pass
6D Pass ?

You respond two clubs, game forcing, to partner's one spade opening and when he rebids hearts you show three card spade support with two spades.
Partner jumps to five diamonds, showing a void diamond asking for key cards outside of diamonds.  You dutifully show one and then partner bids six diamonds asking for extras.  Do you bid the grand slam or not?

Scroll down for solution.

Partner must have a huge major two suiter to be bidding like this with no club values.  Your doubleton heart and spade jack are magic cards, partner should be able to ruff the third round of hearts safely with the spade jack and the minor suit aces and kings will take care of any club losers.

His hand was
AKQ1082, AKQ9, void, 1087.


Thanks to Michael Byrne for reporting this deal.