13th November 2024

This deal is from the Swiss Teams at Porthcawl
 Dealer S
S AKQ10865
 EW Vul
    D KQ1087
    C 2

1S Pass
2NT Pass

When you open one spade partner, to your surprise and delight, responds two notrump showing a game forcing raise in spades.
Your bid?

Scroll down for solution.

This is a classic hand for the use of exclusion key card Blackwood.  The only two cards you are interested in are the minor suit aces.
When you bid five hearts, partner responds six clubs showing two key cards outside hearts* and you can bid the grand slam easily.

Partner's hand was
9743, Q, A, AK109873.

* The responses to exclusion Blackwood are next step = 0 key cards, 1 step = 1 key card ...


Thanks to Raymond Semp for reporting this deal.