20th November 2024

 S  92
Dealer  S
 H  Q
NS Vul
 D  KQJ10632

 C  J83

S   J10843

H   74

D   84

C    A1097

1NT(15-17) 2D(1) 3D Pass
3NT Pass
Pass Pass

(1) Single suited major.

This deal is from the Tollemache qualifying event earlier this month.

West leads the five of hearts, to the queen, seven and six.
Declarer now plays a diamond to the ace, partner following with the seven and plays the king of hearts from hand.
Partner wins the ace of hearts while dummy discards the two of spades.
Partner now plays the six of clubs, low from dummy.
Plan your defence.

Scroll down for analysis

It looks as though declarer has set up the heart jack as his ninth trick, you need to cash four tricks quickly.  Declarer must have a club honour, otherwise he would have to hold the spade ace and would have cashed nine tricks.  You need to win the club ace and switch to the spade jack, hoping to run some spade tricks.

Success, partner holds AQ74 in spades and you beat the contract by two tricks.

See below for the full deal.  Note that declarer could have made finding the winning defence more difficult by playing a club from dummy at trick two.

 Dealer  S
S 92
NS Vul
    D KQJ10632
    C J83    
S AQ75
    S J10843
H A108532
    H 74
D 7
    D 84
C 64
    C A1097
    S K6
    H KJ96
    D A95
    C KQ52