deal from the Tollemache qualifier bid by Ian Pagan
(West) and Shahzaad Natt (East) of Middlesex.
West opened with one club, East made an inverted
raise to two clubs showing invitational values or
more. West then showed a balanced hand in the
15-19 range with precisely three clubs with two
notrump and then minimum range with three
notrump. Four clubs was a slam try and after a
series of cue bids West played in six clubs.
is an excellent contract, basically needing the
clubs to break 3-2 as a diamond ruff can be taken in
the short hand for the twelfth trick. Only two
pairs out of 28 played in six clubs, though a lot of
pairs played in six notrump when East failed to
investigate the club fit. This appears to
needs the heart finesse as well as the club
break. Note that when the heart finesse fails
North has to return a heart to break up the double