deal from the Tollemache qualifying event with Tom
Dessain and Rodney Lighton (NS) playing against
Shahzaad Natt and Ian Pagan (EW) from
Middlesex. Rodney opened one heart and when
Ian jumped to four spades, Tom blithely raised to
five hearts. This got passed back to Ian who
doubled, described as an action double, i.e a
very good four spade overcall which wanted to
compete further. Shahzaad bid five spades and
Rodney decided that the probability of making a slam
was better than taking a penalty from five spades so
he offered diamonds as an alternative in case Tom
had unexpected diamond support. Tom reverted
to six hearts and Shahzaad doubled.
ruffed the spade lead, played a club to the king and
a diamond to the king. A second diamond was
taken by Shahzaad who accurately switched to a
trump. With the 5-1 diamond break Rodney could
not ruff out the diamonds and had to concede one
dummy Rodney could have made the contract on the
spade lead - do you see how? Scroll down.
the spade lead, play a heart to dummy, then a
diamond, lose a diamond, win the heart return then
ruff another diamond, a spade ruff back to hand and
take all your heart winners. West is squeezed
in clubs and spades. You make six hearts, one
diamond, a diamond ruff, three clubs and an extra
trick from the squeeze.