deal is from a NICKO match in November.
West opened one club North bid two clubs which
showed a red two suiter. South bid three
notrump and West guessed to lead a spade to the ten
and jack.
now erred by playing ace and another diamond (a top
spade would have been better). West won
perforce and found a good switch to the seven of
hearts. This was ducked to East's jack who
played a club. Declarer won with the ace and
belatedly played the king of spades won by West.
position was now as below. Declarer has plenty
of tricks in hand but no entry to them.
now played a high heart won in dummy, declarer
cashed his diamonds and hoped that hearts were
breaking but was one off. In the position
above declarer could have made by winning the heart
ace, cashing one top diamond and then sacrificing a
diamond trick by playing the seven, East wins and
has to resurrect South's hand by playing a black
the defence could have done better, suppose East
unblocks the nine of diamonds earlier, then he can
duck the seven of diamonds leaving declarer stranded
on table.
again, declarer could do better in the diamond suit,
he needs to keep the three in dummy earlier in the
play, then he can always endplay East! An
extremely unlikely and farsighted play.