1st January 2025
deal is from a Goldstone match last year.
optimistic sequence where South could count eleven tricks if
North had three aces, but not much chance of a twelfth trick
if North is minimum. Note
the response of five diamonds to RKCB shows zero or three
key cards, so South signs off in five hearts in case North
has zero, but North presses on to slam with three key cards. How
would you play on the king of diamonds lead?
Scroll down for solution. The
main hope for the contract is to find a defender with two
top club honours doubleton. Declarer won the ace of
diamonds, ruffed a diamond high in hand, then a spade to the
ace followed by a spade ruffed high. Then a trump to
the eight with the trumps breaking one-one and another spade
ruffed high. Then a club to the ace with the jack
appearing from East and another spade ruff in hand.
Now a low trump to the six and a club towards hand.
East started with KJ doubleton in clubs and had to win and
concede a ruff and discard. Declarer
and defence can do better here. East should discard
his club king on the second round of trumps (he should also
play it under the ace of clubs in case partner has
Q10x). But declarer can improve by not playing a
second round of trumps, just exiting with a low club will
endplay East. The
full deal is below
to John Currie for reporting this deal |