29th January 2025

This deal is from the Chester Congress Pairs
 Dealer S
 N-S Vul
    D A
    C 65

2C Pass
2D Pass
3H Pass
4C Pass
4D Pass 5D Pass

You pick up this monster, start with two clubs and then jump to three hearts to show a solid suit.  Partner cue bids a first round control in clubs, you show the diamond control and partner shows a second round diamond control with five diamonds.  What do you bid now?

Scroll down for solution.

You can count thirteen tricks unless the opponents lead a club, even if they do partner may have the ten of hearts or three small hearts which will likely provide an entry to the dummy.  Even 8x will do if the ten is singleton.  So it seems a reasonable gamble to bid seven notrump.  In practice partner held the heart ten, club ace and diamond king so the grand slam was cold.